Love tattoos and love breastfeeding. Now you can do both.

Getting a tattoo is expressing yourself with strength. It was believed that in moments like breastfeeding, you couldn’t enjoy both things at the same time.

For a long time we thought that these were incompatible, today thanks to the evolution of the materials and the democratization of information on the media we know that it is possible. The light on these taboos as well as the medical specialist explanations give us peace of mind in this field.

Before tattoo artists preferred not to tattoo women during the breastfeeding stage.

After analysis and research by specialists, it was discovered that getting a tattoo is not contraindicated in breastfeeding. Provided that the hygienic-sanitary standards that ensure the non transmission of infectious-contagious diseases are met. The anesthetic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory creams that are used before and after tattoos are compatible with breastfeeding, as well as pain medications such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

At IRIS we want to keep you safe, always offering certainty and helping you make the right decision, so that you come calmly and continue to breastfeed happily!